1/6 Bjd Dolls, Adult, Girl

Ami ♥

Ami! My new 1/6 BJD doll creation 🙂

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Yes, she’s wearing the same set as Ayumi! 😀

Ami has one blue and one gray eye and her hair, smooth and silver.


For a more detailed description, visit to Ami through Etsy or Ebay:

>CLICK HERE< to visit to Ami through Etsy

>CLICK HERE< to visit to Ami throught Ebay

I hope you like it! ^^



1/6 Bjd Dolls, Adult, Gothic, Lolita

Hayami ♥


Today, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Hayami, one of my new creations of dolls!


Dress up a gothic costume, specifically «Gothic Lolita», based on Victorian style, with long blond hair, discreet dark makeup and gray eyes.


The meaning of Hayami name is «beautiful and unusual beauty» ♥



I hope you liked it! ^^

Hayami is for sale both on Etsy and Ebay:

♥ Click Here to buy Hayami by Etsy ♥

♥ Click Here to buy Hayami by Ebay ♥

In my store you will find all the dolls I have for sale, more images and description of each one in detail.

♥ My Etsy Store ♥

My Ebay Store ♥


Nia ♥

1/4 Bjd Dolls, Adult, Girl, Kawaii, Summer

Kyaru ♥


It is my pleasure to introduce you, Kyaru, my first 1/4 doll.

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Kyaru is a 1/4 bjd doll, with white skin, blue crystal eyes, and long peach hair (kanekalon wig).

She’s wearing a cute cotton bikini, silk imitation handkerchief and a straw hat.

Is not she adorable? *-*

I hope you liked it! See you in the next post! Regards !! ♥

· Buy it on Ebay:

Click Here  ♥

1/6 Bjd Dolls, Adult, Glam

Yukiko ♥

Today, I have the pleasure to show you my second doll creation! 🐱


Yukiko is an adult 1/6 bjd doll, with a large kanekalon white wig and gorgeous makeup


The eyes are glitter purple and aquamarine blue and she have the nails painted!!



She’s wearing a violet glam dress and a cute shoes!!

Is not beautiful? ♥-♥

Unfortunately Yukiko is not for sale, but the next doll will be! In a few weeks I’ll introduce you.

I hope you liked this presentation, have a good day!!

Best regards,

Nia ♥