1/6 Bjd Dolls, Adult, Glam

Yukiko ♥

Today, I have the pleasure to show you my second doll creation! 🐱


Yukiko is an adult 1/6 bjd doll, with a large kanekalon white wig and gorgeous makeup


The eyes are glitter purple and aquamarine blue and she have the nails painted!!



She’s wearing a violet glam dress and a cute shoes!!

Is not beautiful? ♥-♥

Unfortunately Yukiko is not for sale, but the next doll will be! In a few weeks I’ll introduce you.

I hope you liked this presentation, have a good day!!

Best regards,

Nia ♥

13 comentarios en “Yukiko ♥”

      1. It might be copy write infringement maybe, I don’t know. I have two ideas, both are singers.

        1.) Saiki Atsumi, the lead singer for BandMaid. Their video «Thrill» shows their costumes.

        2.) re:NO, the singer for Aldious. The live version of «Sweet Temptation» shows her dress. I think there might already be bjd for her, though.

        I didn’t want to post video’s in your comments unless it’s ok with you.

        Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. They would be the vocalists of those two groups, right?

      Apart, about the size of the dolls, would you like?

      – Scale 1/3 (58-70 cm) 300$ ~

      – Scale 1/4 (40-45 cm) 200$ ~

      – Scale 1/6 (20-29 cm) 100$ ~

      – Palm doll (12-15 cm) 50$ ~

      (Shipping is free)

      Once the size is decided, I can calculate the final budget.

      Many thanks for your interest! 🙂

      Have a nice day!

      Nia ♥

      Me gusta

      1. yes the vocalists. There is a re:no out already. But I really like Saiki Atsumi more anyway. There are other video’s of her, the flower in her hair, her teeth, the make up, her outfit. I just think she’s a beautiful lady. Scale 1/6 would seem about right.

        Le gusta a 1 persona

      2. Hello Mike,

        I am writing to tell you that the total budget for the two dolls would be $ 276 and the estimated time of preparation for a month.
        Payment would be made through Ebay or Etsy once the dolls are completed and you are happy with them.

        I would like to know if you are interested to carry it out.

        Thank you very much for your attention,


        Me gusta

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